11.03.2021 Keltbray team up with Construction Youth Trust to deliver school engagement

In October last year Keltbray, the specialist civil engineering group, commenced the phased demolition of the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre, to make way for the construction of the new town centre.

Keltbray, take sustainability very seriously and are committed to making sustainable choices. In 2020 they purchased over 2.2million kWh of electricity, but because this electricity was 100% renewable Keltbray saved 517 tonnes of CO2.

To give you an idea of what this means, 517 tonnes of C02 equates to 517 trees absorbing C02 for 100 years.

As part of their ongoing commitment to sustainability, Keltbray recently teamed up with Construction Youth Trust to deliver a school engagement.

The main question raised to the students was:

What is sustainability and how do the choices we make affect the environment?

Milena, Keltbray’s Group Environmental Advisor on the Elephant and Castle Project, was on hand to explain how the construction industry must balance time, cost and environmental impact when it comes to creating buildings. This opportunity allowed students to step into the shoes of a designer and decide which materials would be used to construct a new school.

The Sustainable Design session with 11 Year 9 students from Notre Dame School, forms part of their STEM curriculum, meaning that Keltbray were able to bring students real world examples of what they are studying.

Construction Youth Trust explained that as an all-girls school it was great to have Milena there as a female representative of the industry. Not only did it allow them to get industry inside knowledge, but it encourages young women into an industry that is trying to continue to diversify its workforce, as Milena was able to talk to the students about what it’s like to be in woman in construction, sharing her path into the industry as well as her aspirations.

Construction Youth Trust said, “We would like to thank Milena and Keltbray for joining the session and helping to inspire the next generation of sustainability experts!”

A student from the group commented on why they enjoyed the session, “We were able to learn what subjects we need to study to get the job, and we now understand how we can work to keep the environment as clean as possible for future generations.”

Sessions like this are crucial in enabling students to see the different aspects of construction and understand why certain decisions are made.



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